Mail Not Routing, stuck in /var/spool/

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Sep 3 09:00:52 IST 2003


> To be honest all I have ever used is mailscanner, I am not famaliar
> with configuring sendmail on it's own.  I have been at this all night
> with no luck.  I have restarted MS many times with minimal success.  I
> have tried changing my routing table to route to a different internal
> server to verify it's not a problem with the host I normally connect
> with and have the same problems.  This is very frustrating, I've got
> about 2000 message still stuck in the queue, they are getting delivered
> but at a very slow rate.  Users don't like to see email from customers
> that are 2 days late.  If you have any more suggestions, I'd appreciate
> it.

I see the same behaviour, it is like MS tries to chew a long time on some
messages. I allready tried to lower the TNEF timeout to see it thats
causing it.

Julian, would it be ok to send in the batches that seem to terribly slow
down MS ?

Perhaps the string in the Sobig virus wasnt the only thing they planned :)


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