Mail Not Routing, stuck in /var/spool/

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Sep 3 08:41:52 IST 2003

lester lasad wrote:
> question,  I have a secondary MS server, there are a few emails that
> our VP's need with attachments.  Once I locate these emails in
> /var/spool/ can I copy them to to the other servers
>  Never done it, if anyone has I would like to know (and
> how did you do it?)    

Although this would probably work you shouldn't generally do it because sendmail generates queue names using the time and process id.  This means that by copying mails between systems you could break the guarantee of queue file name uniqueness (that said it is only a small risk, as you would have to have a sendmail process with the same PID on both systems at the time the mail was originally recieved.)

BMRB International
+44 (0)20 8566 5000
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