mail stuck in

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Sep 2 17:44:21 IST 2003

Check you queue directories are set correctly in MailScanner.conf.

At 16:19 02/09/2003, you wrote:
>I installed mailscanner & spamassassin under redhat 9 and tried to
>configure it to work with postfix.
>mailscanner 4.23-11
>mail-spamassassin 2.55
>I followed the instructions in "MailScanner Installation Guide - Postfix"
>postfix (2 copies) and mailscanner (many copies) both run after I do the
>service MailScanner start but inbound mail gets stuck
>in /var/spool/
>there are no errors in maillog but I don't see any mailscanner entries
>after the startup. It appears to not recognize the arrival of mail in the
>inbound queue.
>Any ideas on how to fix this?

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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