Testing MailScanner

Peter Russell prussell at MTELIZA.COM.AU
Wed Oct 29 23:07:04 GMT 2003

Hi and thanks again.

Mail is being rejected/refused. I do netstat -a and it returns "tcp
0      0 localhost:smtp          *:*                     LISTEN "

Postix access exists and has a line
10.1.   OK

But still only can telnet to that machine from the local host, connection
from another machine on same subnet recieves connection failed


                      Kevin Spicer
                      <kevins at BMRB.CO.U        To:       MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK
                      K>                       cc:
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  Re: Testing MailScanner
                      mailing list
                      <MAILSCANNER at JISC

                      29/10/2003 06:57
                      Please respond to
                      mailing list

On Wed, 2003-10-29 at 03:37, Peter Russell wrote:
>I cant work out how i can tell if postfix is blocking it or
>mailscanner? I assume postix,

Probably correct.  If the mail is being rejected (i.e. can't send it at
all) then it is postfix.  If it is being delivered to the MailScanner
machine then rejected by MS then you will get a message back which is
clearly from MailScanner.  You need to find postfix's equivilent to
sendmails access database.  You might also like to check that postfix
iis listening on all interfaces (not just the loopback) netstat -a is a
good start for that.

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