Integrating MailScanner, SpamAssasin and Exchange
Kevin Miller
Kevin_Miller at CI.JUNEAU.AK.US
Wed Oct 22 16:55:32 IST 2003
>The reason I have my MX records operating in that manner is if
>our Linux box
>has a hardware failure, we can simply open up the Prmary MX in
>the firewall
>thus having untinerrupted email service. My Linux mailserver
>did suffer a
>major hardware failure last week (which sucked). However, I was able to
>quickly restore email service without any extraordinary
>measures until I
>could get the machine replaced.
If you swap your MX records you can still do that. If your primary (i.e.,
the Linux machine) goes down, you just open a pipe to the secondary. Odds
are the primary won't be down (despite last week's problem), so you'll avoid
the timeout issues.
FWIW though, if you have an old box laying around that you can grab, just
set up a secondary server identical to your primary and make the Exchange
server a terciary server. Then you have a hot redundant mail server, and no
reconfiguring to do in the event of an outage. We don't get to many mails
here compared to some(1000/day maybe?), but a PIII 450 with 256kb RAM is
well able to keep up. YMMV. It's a cheap and easy solution and very low
stress when something does break! <g>
Kevin Miller Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept. Network Systems Administrator, Mail
155 South Seward Street ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801 fax: (907 586-4500
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