RedHat Perl updates

Christopher Hicks chicks at CHICKS.NET
Tue Oct 14 21:01:41 IST 2003

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Remco Barendse wrote:
> but what is the advantage of apt over up2date?

up2date requires RHN which requires money if you want to do it across
more than one machine.

> I have some old redhat 6.2 boxes that I really should upgrade and it
> looked like a good way to keep them updated. RedHat stopped supporting
> RH62 so I hoped that this would be a good replacement.

apt is much easier to deal with.  It figures out dependancies
automatically.  It makes going to the trouble of building your own
packages and maintaining your own local repository worth doing.

> No packages are updated however as the system was aready up2date? Does
> it mean that this is only a replacment of the up2date script and still
> depends on PhatHat packages *if* they are ever released?

You can configure apt to point to various repositories.  The default rpm
that comes from freshrpms gives you Red Hat's updates as well as
freshrpm's collection of rpms.  If you've got limited bandwidth you can
always make your own mirror and reconfigure it to point to your own
server.  The default for apt (presuming you're moving to a RH9 box to be
able to get updates) is in /etc/apt/sources.list:

        # Red Hat Linux 9
        rpm redhat/9/i386 os updates freshrpms
        #rpm-src redhat/9/i386 os updates freshrpms

If you've got a box you want to automatically keep up to date it's easy:

        [root at fw apt]# cat /etc/cron.daily/apt-update
        apt-get update
        apt-get --yes upgrade
        [root at fw apt]# cat /etc/cron.weekly/apt-cleanup
        apt-get clean



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