Panda 7.0.1 and MailScanner {Scanned}

Pedro Rosa Pedro.Rosa at SA.FC.UL.PT
Mon Oct 13 12:56:15 IST 2003

Hi there.

Julian Field sent me the following patch (at the end of the message) to the
panda-wrapper file.
It works... and panda 7 seems to be a much better product then the previous

As far as the autoupdate file you talk about i don't know it and i'll look
into it, but i just ended a few minutes ago a "working" auto-update script.
It's not ended nor optimized. Was cooked just about 10 minutes ago (it uses
wget anda unzip).
If you want it i'll send it to you... and i'll talk with Julian Field to
see if he wants to put it in the Mailscanner distibution.

Here is the patch for /usr/lib/MailScanner/panda-wrapper

--- panda-wrapper.orig  2003-10-06 09:03:16.000000000 +0100
+++ panda-wrapper       2003-10-11 19:13:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -90,9 +90,11 @@

  #              print TEMP $_;

-               if (/Encontrado virus:\s+((\w|\-|\_|\/)+)/) {
+               if (/(Found virus|Encontrado virus)\s*:\s*((\w|\-|\_|\/)
+)/) {
+               #if (/Encontrado virus:\s+((\w|\-|\_|\/)+)/) {
                         close SALIDA;
-                       return $1;
+                       #return $1;
+                       return $2;
         close SALIDA;

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC  7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

Pedro Rosa (pedro.rosa at
Coordenador Núcleo de Informática
Rede Administrativa, Faculdade de Ciências
Tel. 217500000 / ext. 25316 / Dir. 217500033

                      Tony Johansson                                                                              
                      <tony.johansson at SVENSK        To:       MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK                          
                      AKYRKAN.SE>                   cc:                                                           
                      Sent by: MailScanner          Subject:  Re: Panda 7.0.1 and MailScanner {Scanned}           
                      mailing list                                                                                
                      <MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.                                                                      
                      13-10-2003 12:31                                                                            
                      Please respond to                                                                           
                      MailScanner mailing                                                                         

Was this solved in any way?
I just recently got a panda evaluation license and downloaded pavcl 7.0.1
which doesnt seem to work with the latest MailScanner.

Also, there is a panda signature update script available at , could this be made into a panda-
autoupdate MailScanner script perhaps?

regards, Tony

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:26:29 +0100, Pedro Rosa <pedro.rosa at SA.FC.UL.PT>

>Hi there.
> I used to run panda anti-virus version 6.5.x with Mailscanner. Now i've
>updated to version 7.0.1 and MailScanner can't acknowledge the virus that
>panda really finds (i know that it finds it because it puts it on the log
>files at /var/log/panda).
> Maybe a wrapper problem?
>  Thanks for your help.


Nucleo de Informatica, FCUL/Rede Administrativa

Esta mensagem for verificada pelo sistema de Controlo de
Anti-Virus e Filtragem de Conteudos de mensagens de E-Mail.
Embora nao tenha sido detectado qualquer virus no seu conteudo,
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