Panda 7.0.1 and MailScanner

Tony Johansson tony.johansson at SVENSKAKYRKAN.SE
Mon Oct 13 12:31:04 IST 2003

Was this solved in any way?
I just recently got a panda evaluation license and downloaded pavcl 7.0.1
which doesnt seem to work with the latest MailScanner.

Also, there is a panda signature update script available at , could this be made into a panda-
autoupdate MailScanner script perhaps?

regards, Tony

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:26:29 +0100, Pedro Rosa <pedro.rosa at SA.FC.UL.PT>

>Hi there.
> I used to run panda anti-virus version 6.5.x with Mailscanner. Now i've
>updated to version 7.0.1 and MailScanner can't acknowledge the virus that
>panda really finds (i know that it finds it because it puts it on the log
>files at /var/log/panda).
> Maybe a wrapper problem?
>  Thanks for your help.

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