Missing Bodies

Kai Raven k.raven at FREENET.DE
Wed Oct 8 09:43:22 IST 2003


i get every day but only once a day e-mails without bodies since 4.23.
I run MailScanner 4.24-5 with Postfix, fetchmail, procmail,
spamassassin 2.60, clamav and f-prot as virus scanners.
In my Postix main.cf i have set
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -t -a
to sort my e-mails.
Now, i have set in my .procmailrc as 1st rule
to watch, if the e-mails, which arrive from MailScanner/Postix have
bodies, but the copies of the affected e-mails in the backup dir
have no bodies too, so i think it is a MailScanner problem.
The combination fetchmail-Postfix-Procmail before i added
MailScanner has worked for me without problems.
The incoming and outgoing mail queues are both on the same partition
under /var/spool/
Mmh, now i will deactivate virus scanning and than spamassassin to test,
if they cause the missing bodies(?)
Anything else, what i can do or test?


WWW: http://kai.iks-jena.de/
GnuPG-Key: 0x76C65282

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