Forwarding mail
Antony Stone
Wed Oct 1 17:42:53 IST 2003
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 5:29 pm, Joe Stuart wrote:
> I am trying to setup Mailscanner and spamassasin on a mail server that
> is supposed to scan the mail then forward it onto the primary mail
> server. Could anyone point me in a direction on how to configure
> sendmail to do the forwarding.
Put the domains you want to forward mail for into /etc/mail/relay-domains and
simply ensure that the DNS records for the domains specify the MailScanner
machine in an MX record with a higher value than the MX record for the
machine it forwards to.
There's a useful guide to this at
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters
involving quantum mechanics.
- 3.14159265358979
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