ClamAV module --> MailScanner keeps on spawning childs

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Nov 24 09:58:50 GMT 2003

At 09:10 24/11/2003, you wrote:
>Hi Julian,
> > Not a lot, easily. Other people have got it working, so it
> > must be OS-specific.
>Maybe. The question is how to find it. Since there is no port for the
>Mail::ClamAV module I am about to submit a port for it. If there is
>anything OS specific about the module, I could patch it. After I found
>it... :-)
>So what is the best way to debug this?

You could bung in a few "MailScanner::Log::InfoLog()" calls to get it to do
more logging. I would start at the section that loads the module using
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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