RBL Usage Questions

Hadlow, Tim Tim.Hadlow at BL.UK
Thu Nov 13 13:22:44 GMT 2003

I have a couple of newbie RBL questions:

1. If I have MailScanner doing RBL using _only_ MAPS-RBL+ which provides an
aggregated service, how does MS handle the score returned by the MAPS-RBL+
lookup as the last part of the IP address in the context of the "Spam Lists
To Reach High Score" definition.

APS for the explanation of the lookup results)

2. If the message source is positively identified by RBL does MailScanner
still pass the message on to SpamAssassin or reject (or tag it) it with no
further ado?

Thanks all,



Opening 14 November 2003 at the British Library Galleries :

"Chinese Printmaking Today", artworks by leading Chinese artists 1980-2000


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