Misuse of my domain.

Erik Jakobsen eja at URBAKKEN.DK
Sun Nov 9 15:57:19 GMT 2003

>> Personally I would block mail from john/james @urbakken.dk at the MTA
>> level, not even allowing it to reach DATA. How you do that would
>> depend upon
>> your MTA. If you don't have config access to the MTA then doing it in
>> MailScanner:
> I think I have access to MTA, but where do I set the blocking ?.


>> In your MailScanner.conf find the line: Is Definitely Spam =
>> and change it to: Is Definitely Spam = %rules-dir%/spam.blacklist.rules

Med venlig hilsen - Best regards.
Erik Jakobsen - eja at urbakken.dk.
Licensed radioamateur with the callsign OZ4KK.
SuSE Linux 8.2 Proff.
Registered as user #319488 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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