sendmail message splitting defeats bandwidth savings?

Brent Strignano brent at MIRABITO.COM
Mon Nov 3 18:17:07 GMT 2003

Is it logged multiple times when sendmail splits the messages?

Brent Strignano
System Administrator
Granite Capital Holdings
Sidney NY USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Leland J. Steinke [mailto:steinkel at PA.NET] 
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: sendmail message splitting defeats bandwidth savings?

Julian Field wrote:
> I would need a *very* reliable SMTP client, for which Net::SMTP (or 
> whatever it's called) might be a good candidate. But it's definitely a

> cool idea, it's even independent of the MTA which I definitely like.

The only problem that immediately comes to mind is that a single message
to multiple recipients would be logged multiple times.  This is very
unfriendly to maillog-munchers...


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