dcc/razor2/pyzor timeouts anyone?

Kearney, Rob RKearney at AZERTY.COM
Mon Nov 3 18:10:42 GMT 2003

OT.. Stealing thread..

How did you get RH9 working on your DL360.   We tried, and tried.. and tried
again.. but alas went to RH8, which is supported by Compaq anyways.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Freegard [mailto:steve.freegard at LBSLTD.CO.UK]
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:38 PM
Subject: dcc/razor2/pyzor timeouts anyone?

Hi All,

I've been having problems with one of my e-mail gateways today - the load
average has been spiking at 1.90 with no unusual increase in mail volume and
MailScanner's been showing in 'top' using 99.9% CPU.

After a bit of investigating (strace -p, debug=yes etc. etc.) - I realised
that SpamAssassin was getting timeouts when talking to Razor2/DCC/Pyzor (my
timeout's are set to 10 seconds for each with SpamAssassin timeout set to 60
seconds in MailScanner.conf)

Also while in Debug=yes/SpamAssassin Debug=yes mode I had an occurrence of
'Process did not exit cleanly, returned 0 with signal 11' just after
SpamAssassin ran it's bayes tests (I think it was about to start a
DCC/Razor2 or Pyzor check) and upon grepping /var/log/messages - I found 64
occurrences of the 'signal 11' in the logs since it's last log roll.

I've since disabled the DCC/Pyzor/Razor2 checks while I work out what's
going on - I also haven't had any sig11's in the log since I've done this
and my load average is down to 0.04 (however it is after 5.30pm here so a
lot of my users have gone home, so it won't get much stressing until

Anyone else experience anything similar?? - I haven't made any changes to
this box for ages.

I'm running MailScanner 4.22-4, SA 2.60, DCC 1.1.36, Pyzor 0.4.0,
Razor-Agents-2.22 and MailWatch CVS on RH9 running on a Compaq Proliant
DL360 G1 933Mhz PIII with 512Mb RAM.

Kind regards,

Steve Freegard
Systems Manager
Littlehampton Book Services Ltd.
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