Sophos missing Klez pickup

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Fri May 30 10:09:16 IST 2003

Julian Field wrote:
> At 20:25 29/05/2003, you wrote:
>> We've just had a 4 different users report that they received a virus
>> in an
>> email
>> attachment (Klez-H, Sircam).   Their desktop Sophos picked it up when
>> they
>> opened the email, but it appears that MailScanner/Sophos missed it.
>> We're
>> currently using MailScanner 4.11-1 with Sophos 368.    It's also odd
>> that the
>> number of viruses caught yesterday was down to half of  the past week's
>> average.  Our Sophos ides are updated hourly and that's working fine.
>> We ran the eicar virus test  against sophos-wrapper and it appeared to
>> catch
>> that.
>> Has anyone else had a similar problem,  or is this just another reason to
>> upgrade to the latest version of MailScanner and Sophos?
> 3.68 of Sophos should still be updated by Sophos, but not for much longer.
> I am aiming for a stable release of 4.21 this weekend, so don't upgrade
> today!

It's not a MIME-tools problem is it? (Although I guess that's unlikely
to manifest itself suddenly?) Our Sophos (but 3.69) is still picking up
Klez's by the dozen although Palyh would appear to have knocked it off
the top spot.



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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