Eicar.zip not detected + performance stats

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Tue May 27 19:07:53 IST 2003

>I tested a complete setup today and had problems with viruses. I caught
>two real viruses and detected the eicar.com file even though I don't
>really know if it was caught by the filtering of com-files or as a an
>actual virus. When I tested with eicar.com in a zip-file it just
>through undetected. Zip's are allowed but shouldn't it have been
>and detected as the Eicar file? Should I be worried? I use an up to
>ClamAV. It detects the "virus" if I scan the eicar.zip manually.

I don't know why you're seeing that behaviour, but I really wouldn't
rely on Clam alone.  I use Sophos and Clam at work and F-Prot and Clam
at home.  Clam (although it generally works well) just isn't quick
enough off the mark with new viruses.  Had we been relying on Clam we
would have been flooded with Palyh and Fizzer viruses (assuming they got
past the filename filters...).  I run Clam because a) its free b) I've
got the cycles to spare c) just in case Sophos/ F-Prot pack up.

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