too many children processes

Brad White brad at LTINETWORKS.COM
Wed May 21 18:51:32 IST 2003

There is only one.  I'm still unable to determine why twice as many processes start up.   Even if I just allow one child, two show up.  Two children, only one parent.  I did discover what was slowing down my mail processing.  Spamassassin was taking a very long time to perform it's rbl checks.  I disabled them and I seem to be processing mail just fine now.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Mariano Absatz [mailto:mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR] 
	Sent: Wed 5/21/2003 9:47 AM 
	Subject: Re: too many children processes

	El 21 May 2003 a las 9:41, Brad White escribió:
	> I see 10 processes, and they are all from the 4.0 binary.  It happens
	> after a reboot, and I don't see anything in the init.d startup file that
	> would start extra copies.
	Mmhhh what does
	ls -l /etc/rc.d/*.d/*MailScanner*
	Mariano Absatz
	El Baby
	When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

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