MailScanner error

Henry C. Chorlian chorlian at CBR.MED.HARVARD.EDU
Tue May 20 14:05:42 IST 2003

Good morning all,

I'm running an old version of mailscanner (3111).  It's been working fine until now.  I rebooted the server this morning and now I'm getting the following message:

Error initialising detection engine - missing part of virus data

When I run sweep * command I get: sweep: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory

This has to be a very simple problem, but at the moment I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone.  More eyes better help.  Any suggestions on this? I'm sure this is a very simple problem.

Thanks in advance,


Henry C. Chorlian
Director of Information Technology
Center for Blood Research
800 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA  02115-6303

Harvard Medical School Affiliate
chorlian at
Voice:  (617) 278-3425
Fax:  (617) 278-3493

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