spam score for each test in header

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri May 16 13:50:04 IST 2003

The bit I'm not sure about here is what to do with multipart-alternative
messages (where you have HTML and plain-text versions). These already have
more than 1 part, so I'm not sure what to put in the "attachment" that
contains the original message.

If I delete the plain-text version, all the pine/mutt users in the world
will hate me. But if I delete the HTML version, all the Outlook users in
the world will hate me.

Any ideas what the system this firm has created actually does with the message?
Do we have the ability to be able to pipe messages through it to find out?
Or do you know who created it, as I might be able to extract the answer
from their tech support :-)

At 13:11 16/05/2003, you wrote:
>I agree with not messing with the message, but one firm has created a
>system where when a message is detected as spam, the original spam is
>encapsulated as a attachment to a message that reads:
>Our mailscanner believes that the attachment to this message sent to you by
>      <mailto:spammer at>spammer at
>     Work from Home, Make big Bucks!!!
>is Unsolicited Commerial Email (Spam). Unless you are sure that this
>message is incorrectly thoght to be Spam, please delete this message
>without opening it. Onpening Spam messages might allow the Spammer to
>verify your email address.
>If you believe that this message has been uncorrectly marked a spam,
>please forward this email to
><mailto:whitlist at>whitelist at
>When this technique is combined with good {Spam?} and {High Spam?}
>scoring, it might allow the identification of false positives while hiding
>offensive images and messages.
>Note that email to <mailto:whitelist at our-com>whitelist at is
>not automatically whitelisted but examined to see if it should be.
>On Fri, 2003-05-16 at 06:01, Julian Field wrote:
>>At 10:19 16/05/2003, you wrote:
>> >Brilliant !!!  Thanks Julian.
>> >
>> >I am 100% happy with your solution.   But if I may push my luck...  How
>> >difficult would it be to transfer this header line into an attachment to
>> >the message named something like "spam_score_details.txt", and get the
>> >list of test & scores in a neat format with carriage returns after each
>> >score, and an explanation at the top for the user saying something like
>> >"Your MailScanner system has performed the following tests to determine if
>> >it was spam. Please see yout local IT officer for more details". Or leave
>> >us to create that piece of text so that we can add our contact details,
>> etc.?
>>Not keen on that. MailScanner doesn't mess with the message more than it
>>has to, and this would create an attachment on every single message. Even
>>if you just do this with spam, you are adding to your spam load problem,
>>not reducing it.
>>Julian Field
>>MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
>Stephen Swaney <<mailto:Steve at>Steve at>
>Linux Systems Solutions, Inc.

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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