spam score for each test in header

Sylvain Phaneuf sylvain.phaneuf at IMSU.OXFORD.AC.UK
Thu May 15 15:07:26 IST 2003

I don't know whether this has been discussed before, but I am wondering how difficult would that be to put the score of each spam test in the X-MailScanner-Information header? 

e.g. MIME_HTML_ONLY 0.1 ; IN_REP_TO -3.3 ; DATE_INFUTURE_12_24 2.37 ; SPACES_IN_SUBJECT 2.42 ; MS_EXCHANGE -5.80

Every now and then we have users who are suprised that a specific message has not been picked up as spam and we need to explain to them. Other less frequent situations are when we try to determine why a message is a false positive. We need to manually dig out the scores for each test and then see what would need changing. 

This is a feature I have seen with some commercial products, and it seems to be popular. 


Sylvain Phaneuf --- Computing Manager   | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit  -  Medical Sciences Division 
Oxford University                               | email : sylvain.phaneuf at 
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital      | fax :  +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford   OX3 9DU   England

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