spamassassin 2.53 & MailScanner

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Thu May 15 13:21:57 IST 2003

Peter Bates wrote:
> Yesterday or so I added the following refinement to
> my spam.assassin.prefs.conf:
> ... as I've been seeing an increasing number of messages
> being scored low (the score above, being -5+ in the default
> configuration can work against the other factors identifying
> the message as 'spam') due to this rule... I'm guessing more
> people are relaying through Microsoft Exchange servers, or
> someone has found the mystical incantation to spoof the format
> of Message-ID.

My current tweaks to SA2.53 are:

# local score alterations
score IN_REP_TO -0.3
rawbody __OBFUSCATING_COMMENT   /[^\s>]<!.{0,64}?>[^\s<]/

because in addition to the Message-ID's Peter's noticed I've seen
In-reply-to: <total gibberish> and some obfuscating comments which were
more obfuscated than SA allowed for! (and I didn't think it scored them
highly enough) I guess things like this get discussed on sa-talk?

To get back on topic (just!) should these alterations go in
MailScanner/etc/spam.assassin.prefs.conf or
/etc/mail/spamassassin/ or doesn't it matter?



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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