URGENT: MailScanner issue on Linux mail server

Bill Beauchemin beau at BILLBEAU.NET
Tue May 13 17:37:25 IST 2003

The mail looks like it is being sent to /var/spool/postfix/incomming
and  stays there. is it suppose to go to /var/spool/mail? That is where
the pop server seems to be looking. there is mail in the incomming

du -k [root at fs1 incoming]# du -k
4       ./A
12      ./7
36      ./B
4       ./8
8       ./0
0       ./E
4       ./6
1660    ./4
188     ./C
20      ./3
0       ./D
4       ./5
8       ./9
184     ./1
0       ./2
0       ./F
2132    .

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 09:33, Spicer, Kevin wrote:
> > Yeah it didnt paste the R
> >
> > Run As User = postfix
> >
> > Would there be an issue if the directory /var/spool/mail had the
> > permissions like this
> >
> > drwxrwsr-x    2 root     mail         4096 May 13 06:07 mail/
> >
> Looks about right, my Mandrake machines with postfix (9.0 the one I looked at) has 775 root:mail, this isn't a problem becuase local mail delivery is handled by procmail which runs sgid mail (you might like to check /usr/bin/procmail is setgid mail!).
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Bill Beauchemin

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