SV: Encrypting Email

Anders Andersson, IT andersan at LTKALMAR.SE
Mon May 12 21:03:13 IST 2003

We had a solution like that before. It scanned all messages for public
pgp-keys and stored for future mails. So if we had a key the mail would
automaticly be encrypted at the MTA. We used it for sending secure mail
between different healtcare places in sweden. It wasnt cheap so after 2
years we got order to stop using it. The idea was good but to expensive....
Maybe there will be a open-source version some day. If you wanna take a look
at it go to


> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Mike Kercher [mailto:mike at CAMAROSS.NET] 
> Skickat: den 12 maj 2003 18:34
> Ämne: Encrypting Email
> Has anyone implemented a system to encrypt emails using GPG 
> or something similar at the MTA?  It'd be nice if there was 
> an option in MS to do this on a per domain basis.
> Mike

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