virtusertable and mailscanner

Sylvain Phaneuf sylvain.phaneuf at IMSU.OXFORD.AC.UK
Fri May 9 16:37:38 IST 2003

I am testing our system to use virtusertable. Ultimately we will want mail coming for to be redirected to after mailscanner & spamasssasin & sophos have done their job. Before we get the mail for forwarded to us, I am testing with the existing configuration. I cannot get redirection working.

At the moment we get mail for serverA to be scanned by mailscanner, etc. All is working perfectly. If I add an entry in virtusertable and make map, mail arriving for johndoe at is not forwarded to sylvain at (johndoe doesnt exist on serveA). The messages are bounced with:
>>> RCPT To:<nothere at>
<<< 550 No such recipient
550 5.1.1 <nothere at>... User unknown

A tab separate the two fields in virtusertable. Here are the files we have at the moment:

[mailertable]   esmtp:[]

johndoe at     sylvain at

#####  $Id: cfhead.m4,v 2003/03/11 21:24:20 ca Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: cf.m4,v 8.32 1999/02/07 07:26:14 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id:,v 8.1 1999/09/24 22:48:05 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: linux.m4,v 8.13 2000/09/17 17:30:00 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: local_procmail.m4,v 2002/11/17 04:25:07 ca Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: generic.m4,v 8.15 1999/04/04 00:51:09 ca Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: redirect.m4,v 8.15 1999/08/06 01:47:36 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: use_cw_file.m4,v 8.11 2001/08/26 20:58:57 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: mailertable.m4,v 8.23 2001/03/16 00:51:26 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: virtusertable.m4,v 8.21 2001/03/16 00:51:26 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: access_db.m4,v 8.24 2002/03/06 21:50:25 ca Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: blacklist_recipients.m4,v 8.13 1999/04/02 02:25:13 gshapiro Exp $  #####
#####  $Id: proto.m4,v 8.649.2.17 2003/03/28 17:20:53 ca Exp $  #####

What am I doing wrong?


Sylvain Phaneuf --- Computing Manager   | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit  -  Medical Sciences Division 
Oxford University                               | email : sylvain.phaneuf at 
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital      | fax :  +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford   OX3 9DU   England

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