cap sensitive white/blacklisting

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 26 21:58:52 GMT 2003

At 21:18 26/03/2003, you wrote:

>Im not sure about site wide whitelisting and blacklisting, but for by
>domain whitelisting it appears to be cap sensitive.  It would be nice down
>the line to have that caps insensitive so it doesnt matter how a user
>types out the address.  I found this by accident today.

Should be fixed in the next release.
Just requires this change:
       $BlackWhite->{$filename}{$_} = 1; # Store the whitelist entry
       $BlackWhite->{$filename}{lc($_)} = 1; # Store the whitelist entry
around line 224.

All that code is just provided as a reasonably complex example of what you
can do with Custom Functions.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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