ip addresses in whitelist are still being blocked

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at MAIL.WINNEFOX.ORG
Mon Mar 24 14:33:40 GMT 2003

> Don't forget that you'll also need to go through the access
> database (/etc/mail/access commonly) and take out the entries
> it has added if you want to reverse the work it has done -
> don't forget to rebuild access.db (makemap hash
> /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access) and restart MailScanner
> (in order to restart the sendmail processes).

Thank you so much for your help! I made the change in the configuration file
for mailstats, and emptied out the entries from the access database, then
ran the makemap. I looked at my mailstats page and it still says 44
addresses are blocked. That number is down considerably, but it's still
there. I double checked the sendmail access file, and that's still empty.
Any ideas as to why there are still some blocked IP's?


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