Disabling virus scanning for outbound e-mail w/ attachments

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Mar 21 14:42:26 GMT 2003

At 14:34 21/03/2003, you wrote:
>A client of ours has requested that all of their outbound e-mail is not
>passed through
>for filename checking (so they can send out .exe .bat files etc) but they
>still want
>outbound e-mail checked for Viruses.
>Is this possible with version 4.13-3 of mailscanner?


>Or would one just have to disable Virus Scanning for their entire domain?


Filename Rules = /etc/MailScanner/rules/filename.rules.rules

In that file put this:

From:   domain.com      /etc/MailScanner/allow.everything
FromOrTo:       default         /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf

In the "allow.everything" file put this:
allow   .       -       -
(remembering to put tabs between each of the 4 words on that line).

This has created a ruleset so that mail from domain.com gets the
"allow.everything" filename rules file. Everyone else gets the normal

The "allow.everything" file just works by having 1 rule which will match
any filename, allowing it.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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