sophos 3.67 and wrapper script

Willem Kuiters wkuiters at FREE.FR
Mon Mar 17 20:14:26 GMT 2003

I use mailscanner 3.27.1-1 on a debian (sarge) system with sophos. I use
Julians IDE-update script and the sophoswrapper script.

Mine looks like this:

#prog=sweep # `basename $0`
#export SAV_IDE
#exec ${PackageDir}/bin/$prog "$@"

Since I upgraded to sophos 3.67, running the sophoswrapper script
returns the error:

"Error initialising detection engine - missing part of virus data"

I tried using the file that came on the Sophos CD in case the fault was
caused by an error in downloading the update but the result remained the
same. Launching the command "sweep" on the command line works fine.

I do not quite see what could cause this error and hope for some hints.


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