How is SPAM filtering turned off for reply e-mail? Also, reply issues...

Sat Mar 15 03:04:57 GMT 2003

I had a problem when I first installed MailScanner and Spamassassin with replies to e-mail I sent, all the replies would have the
{Spam?} added to the subject even though the scores were low (below 5) and they were not marked as SPAM in the header.  I turned on
the Auto Whitelisting feature and this stopped.  However, what was odd is if I turn off spam filtering for low or high scored
e-mails and then turn it back on again (never changing the auto whitelist, it is still turned on) then I would have the same
problem.  What I had to do is turn off SPAM filtering for both low and high and also turn off the auto whitelisting feature.  After
I did that (of course I stopped and started MailScanner between config changes) I could then turn them all back on (low and high
SPAM filtering and auto whitelisting) and it would start working again, meaning replies were not having {Spam?} added to the subject
line (this took a while to figure out, I have assumed it is some kind of bug where something does not get set properly if you turn
the individual settings on and off, but it does when you turn them all off then on).

I heard some talk about adding to the spam whitelist (i.e. /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.whitelist.rules), not sure if this
would fix the issue or not.  I have not done anything unusual to the MailScanner config or Spamassasin config just to let you know.
Other people must be having or have had this issue as well, what is the fix?  I really just want to make it so that all e-mail that
is a reply is whitelisted (not marked as SPAM ever).  I wondering though, if this will cause issues with SPAM filtering in the
future as SPAMMERS could likely make the e-mail appear to be a reply.

I am using MailScanner 4.14-3 with SpamAssassin 2.50 patched (2.51?) to fix the bug where it has issues working with MailScanner.



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