Sophos and 'corrupt' files (slight return)

Peter Bates Peter.Bates at LSHTM.AC.UK
Fri Mar 7 09:51:52 GMT 2003

Hello all...

In a terrible problem as a result of an upgrade to amavis (no sniggers at the back please),
I had to push my 'test' MailScanner box into service yesterday for our site.

I'm running:
Sophos sweep 3.66
Mcafee 4.12.0
F-prot SB 3.12d
SA 2.50 (with Julian's patch, Razor2 and DCC)
Sendmail as the MTA
... on RedHat 7.3

I'm still seeing:

   Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
 MessageID: h274wd530878
    Report: Could not check ./h274wd530878/ORS details.doc (corrupt)
    Report: Could not check ./h274wd530878/TDR Research Training Grants 2003.doc (corrupt)

   Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
 MessageID: h278AU507615
    Report: Could not check ./h278AU507615/our transport, our health.doc (corrupt)

Strangely enough, only on what appear to be bounces (hence the subject), and scanning the
files from the command-line, it is only Sophos that reports them as 'corrupt'.

Shall I disable Sophos from the 'Virus Scanners' bit of MailScanner.conf, or does upgrading to 3.67 solve this?

I've also seen:

   Subject: sending patient data
 MessageID: h279VD515651
    Report: Could not check ./h279VD515651/ (part of multi volume archive)
Could not check ./h279VD515651/ (corrupt)

... all 3 of the AV scanners check this zip out OK (just running /usr/lib/MailScanner/x-wrapper over them,
unless they need arguments to get them to check zip archives?), so what is generating this error?


Peter Bates, Systems Support Officer, Network Support Team.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Telephone:0207-958 8353 / Fax: 0207- 636 9838 

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