Spamassassin 2.50 & MailScanner 4.13-3 Problems

Matt Kettler mkettler at EVI-INC.COM
Tue Mar 4 01:20:10 GMT 2003

Actually, that was already filed

The bug which has been assigned and is currently tracking the fixing of
this problem is this one:

I'm submitting a dupe-notice to the bugzilla, but I'll let one of the
"real" members of saDev officially close 1585 as a duplicate.

At 12:46 AM 3/4/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Thank you Jullian for taking the time to explain what was going on with it.
>Just a little note I posted the same message over at list
>and was told by one of the developers that they are aware of this issue
>and you are exactly right, they plan to fix it in 2.51 but they do not
>have an official release date as of yet but maybe next couple of weeks.
>Here is the link to the post and reply...
>Thanks again,

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