postfix compatability?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Mar 3 22:32:11 GMT 2003

Any chance of you publishing all your scripts to make your setup work? They
would help a lot of people.

At 22:22 03/03/2003, you wrote:
>Maybe we can help.  Postfix is VERY powerful, but it takes a couple of "aha!"
>moments to figure out how to harness that power.  Julian has already said that
>he does not want to build another MTA, so that pretty much removes my second
>option above.  It does not make sense to run exim or another MTA on a
>postfix-equipped box just so MailScanner will work; just run the
>non-postfix MTA
>and be done with it, which removes the third option above.  There was a
>reference to something like "Obtuse SMTPD" as a possible avenue of attack,
>but I
>do not recall hearing the outcome of that one.  As I already said, we have
>postfix create MailScanner-compatible queue files, through a perl script;
>another perl script takes the processed messages and re-injects them into
>postfix.  Postfix is designed to be as secure as possible, with multiple
>of defense against software errors (either accidental or
>intentional).  Postfix
>queues, and the files therein, are at the very heart of postfix and I
>would not
>want to try to "spoof" them into something else.  This is why we decided to
>ignore the issue entirely, make postfix run a program to create files for
>MailScanner to process, make MailScanner give the processed files back to
>postfix, and process millions of messages per month.
>pps:  Having said all that, postfix has a "hold" queue.  From the postfix
>  "The hold queue is for mail that is frozen in the queue; no delivery
> attempts
>are made until someone releases these messages with the postsuper command."
>Maybe that would be a place to start?

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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