Sobig.E Getting Through Intermittently

Thu Jun 26 03:45:51 IST 2003

I have also noticed this - one idea maybe is to check file extensions of
files within .zip files - perhaps mailscanner should block zip or other
compressed files that contain only disallowed files.

So, for instance, a .zip that contains only a .pif, which is how Sobig.E
spreads, would be blocked.

Actually any compressed file with a .pif, .scr, .bat, etc., I would be
willing to block regardless if it was the only thing in the file or not -
if it's one of those, 9 out of 10 it's a virus anyway.

What do you think, Julian?



On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Kevin Spicer wrote:

> > I got these ones:
> > Wanna have it ? =)
> I'll give it a miss this time, but thanks for the offer ;)
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