Perl MIME error?

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Tue Jun 24 20:54:51 IST 2003

The new version of MailScanner (4.21-9) requires these Perl modules:

I guess your new Perl does not contain the Base64-module. Check with:

# find `perl -e 'print "@INC"'` -name "*.pm"|grep -i base64

This is what is returned on my server:


If you don't have it, install with:

# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install MIME::Base64

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

Tim Tyler wrote:
>   Mailscanner experts,
>    We are still running mailscanner 2.6 on an IBM aix
> system.  We just upgraded our aix server from 4.3.3 to
> 5.1.0.  We also upgraded perl5.6.0 up to 5.6.1.  Now when we
> try to run mailscanner, it fails.  It gives us the following
> error:
>    Can't locate MIME/ in @INC
> Then it runs a bunch of compile errors related to not
> finding MimeBase64 related files.
>    We did not upgrade the perl Mime/base64.  Do we need to
> upgrade Mime/base64?  What is required from a Perl
> perpective to get mailscanner 2.6.x running again?
>   Thanks! -tim
> Tim Tyler
> Network Engineer

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