filtering file types vs. extensions

David dh at UPTIME.AT
Mon Jun 23 14:43:57 IST 2003

On Montag, Juni 23, 2003, at 03:34  Uhr, Scott Adkins wrote:

> As opposed to running the "file" command everytime, why not suck in the
> /etc/magic file and use it?  That is all the file command really 
> does...
> You can even provide your own version of the /etc/magic file (and allow
> a config option to be changed to use a different one if need be) so 
> that
> you can support it on systems (like Windows) that don't have a 
> /etc/magic
> file on hand, or has the file, but is rather weak.
Would this be an option as well:
-- nee amata wo mitsukete soshite midoto wasrezu
    domma mi mumega itakutemo soba mi iru mo
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