Deleting Spam

Evert Jan van Ramselaar evertjan at VANRAMSELAAR.NL
Sun Jun 22 10:18:01 IST 2003

Denis Croombs wrote:
> Is there any way of deleting Spam that has been marked as spam by
> Mailscanner as I do with SpamAssassin ?

In MailScanner.conf:

# What to do with spam
# --------------------
# This is a list of actions to take when a message is spam.
# It can be any combination of the following:
#    deliver                 - deliver the message as normal
#    delete                  - delete the message
#    store                   - store the message in the quarantine
#    bounce                  - send a rejection message back to the sender
#    forward user at - forward a copy of the message to
user at
#    striphtml               - convert all in-line HTML content to plain
#                              You need to specify "deliver" as well for the
#                              message to reach the original recipient.
#    attachment              - Convert the original message into an
#                              of the message. This means the user has
to take
#                              an extra step to open the spam, and stops
#                              bugs" very effectively.
# Note that the bounce message is created in such a way as to stop it
# bouncing back to your site.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
#Spam Actions = store forward anonymous at bounce
Spam Actions = deliver striphtml
High Scoring Spam Actions = delete

   Evert Jan van Ramselaar  <evertjan at>
   Van Ramselaar Info Tech  <>

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