Problem with Sophos 3.70 and sophossavi

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Tue Jun 10 14:22:44 IST 2003

Julian Field wrote:
> There appears to be a problem with the most recent Sophos releases and the
> sophossavi virus scanner.
> MailScanner will segfault when it first tries to set up the sophossavi
> scanner.
> The symptom is that MailScanner continually re-forks its child processes so
> every 10 seconds you will get a notice in your maillog saying the
> MailScanner is starting up, but no mail will be processed.

I don't see this with 3.70 on Debian stable. I have the sav.conf file.

Jun 10 11:48:33 epitaf MailScanner[7114]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
Scanner version 4.21-9 starting...
Jun 10 11:48:41 epitaf MailScanner[7114]: SophosSAVI 3.70 (engine 2.14)
recognizing 82079 viruses
Jun 10 11:48:41 epitaf MailScanner[7114]: SophosSAVI using 27 IDE files
Jun 10 11:48:41 epitaf MailScanner[7114]: Using locktype = flock

> The workaround is very simple:
>        rm /etc/sav.conf
> The next release will include a new Sophos.install script which does this
> step for you.

As I also use one of my MailScanner installations of Sophos to provide
an InterCheck server for my desktops, I might be concerned about an
action which might break Sophos generally. Having said that though, I
modify the install script to install InterCheck so maybe I'd just have
to remember another mod!

(Btw I see that Sophos.install is no longer a link to either the .linux
or .solaris versions - is this intensional?)



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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