filename rules question

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Jun 6 16:17:57 IST 2003

Correct on all counts.

At 16:00 06/06/2003, you wrote:
>IIRC, rules are processed from top to bottom, and, as soon as one matches,
>the process stops.
>This allows you to say something like:
>allow everything that ends in ".jpg"
>allow everything that ends in ".gif"
>deny everything that ends in ".exe"
>deny everything that ends in ".???.???"
>And an attachment ending in ".???.jpg" will be allowed (as per rule #1) but
>if it ends in ".jpg.scr" it will be denied (although there is no specific
>rule to deny files ending in ".scr".
>And, as you state, I recall the default is to allow any filename not matching
>any rule...
>El 6 Jun 2003 a las 16:41, Peter Peters escribió:
> > The filename rules conf file has allow and deny lines. I haven't seen a
> > default line so I wonder what will happen with an extension that doesn't
> > match any line. I believe (from my experience) the message will be
> > allowed. But then a lot of allow lines can be removed (and speeding up
> > MailScanner)?
> >
> > --
> > Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
> > Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
> > Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
> > telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,
>Mariano Absatz
>El Baby
>Conjecture: All odd numbers are prime.
>     Mathematician's Proof:
>         3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  By induction, all
>         odd numbers are prime.
>     Physicist's Proof:
>         3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is experimental
>         error.  11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
>     Engineer's Proof:
>         3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is prime.
>         11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
>     Computer Scientists's Proof:
>         3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime...

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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