filename rules question

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Fri Jun 6 16:00:30 IST 2003

IIRC, rules are processed from top to bottom, and, as soon as one matches, 
the process stops.

This allows you to say something like:

allow everything that ends in ".jpg"
allow everything that ends in ".gif"
deny everything that ends in ".exe"
deny everything that ends in ".???.???"

And an attachment ending in ".???.jpg" will be allowed (as per rule #1) but 
if it ends in ".jpg.scr" it will be denied (although there is no specific 
rule to deny files ending in ".scr".

And, as you state, I recall the default is to allow any filename not matching 
any rule...

El 6 Jun 2003 a las 16:41, Peter Peters escribió:

> The filename rules conf file has allow and deny lines. I haven't seen a
> default line so I wonder what will happen with an extension that doesn't
> match any line. I believe (from my experience) the message will be
> allowed. But then a lot of allow lines can be removed (and speeding up
> MailScanner)?
> --
> Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
> Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
> Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
> telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Conjecture: All odd numbers are prime.
    Mathematician's Proof:
        3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  By induction, all
        odd numbers are prime.
    Physicist's Proof:
        3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is experimental
        error.  11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
    Engineer's Proof:
        3 is prime.  5 is prime.  7 is prime.  9 is prime.
        11 is prime.  13 is prime ...
    Computer Scientists's Proof:
        3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime.  3 is prime...

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