FW: mcafee & bugbear.b

Paul Hamilton paul.hamilton at sme-ecom.co.uk
Fri Jun 6 10:50:57 IST 2003


>We've been blocking Bugbear.B since yesterday although as usual Mcafee
>appears to be slow in releasing their DATs.   However I've noticed that
>every now and then mailscanner is blocking emails that have double
>extension attachments which look suspiciously like Bugbear.b but it is
>not picked up as Bugbear.B.  I've tried scanning the quarantined
>attachment again with the latest DAT but again no virus is detected.  Is
>this a different variant or is there a another problem.  Has anyone else
>using mcafee noticed this?

We have seen similar behaviour with Sophos, Kaspersky and F-Prot. In some
cases with the exact same attachment sent to two individuals within the same
organisation minutes apart.

Paul H.

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