MailScanner cron job?

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Tue Jun 3 20:53:08 IST 2003


> [cparker at filter ~/public_html/reports]$ uptime
>  12:29pm  up 18 days, 21:19,  1 user,  load average: 10.32, 10.39, 8.96
> Isn't that rediculous?

Whats more running on that box besided mailscanner ? I had a old Compaq
running a long time, Pentium Pro 200, little bit more ram btw, but that
pushed out a few thousand messages a day.

> Anything going on with mailscanner by default around this time that
> would slow it down so much?

No, most likely your mail itself peaks those times. Run stats like
mailscanner-mrtg to see what your box is doing. I think however that the
RAM is the problem.


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