create stat report(s) on spam score stats

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Wed Jul 30 09:49:05 IST 2003

If you let me have your changes I will look to incorporate them into the
next release.
David While
Technical Development Manager
Faculty of Computing, Information & English
University of Central England
Tel: 0121 331 6211

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Herban [mailto:rherban at HYPERVINE.NET]
Sent: 29 July 2003 19:19
Subject: Re: create stat report(s) on spam score stats

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris W. Parker [mailto:cparker at SWATGEAR.COM] 
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 2:55 PM
> Subject: Re: create stat report(s) on spam score stats
> Tony Finch <mailto:dot at DOTAT.AT>
>     on Monday, July 28, 2003 12:38 PM said:
> >> What would it take to do this? Or more specifically, what would it 
> >> take to have a record written to a mysql db for each and 
> every mail?
> > 
> > My Log Non Spam option allows you to set things up so that all the 
> > scores appear in the MailScanner log, so you can just grep them out.
> But then you still have to get it into a db somehow and I'm 
> not familiar with turning the results from grep into records in a db.
> Chris.

There is a mailstats program that someone on this list released.  I
modified that code to start keeping track of the spamscore for me and
show the average on the stats page.
At this point it doesn't do standard deviation or anything else major,
but an average is perfect for me (so far avg has been between 10.1 and
I could share my snippets if anyone wants.


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