
Eric Dantan Rzewnicki rzewnickie at RFA.ORG
Thu Jul 24 19:41:33 IST 2003

On Thu 24/07/2003 08:25:25, Ken Anderson wrote:
> Okay, mail travels in envelopes with a TO and a FROM, just like postal
> mail, right?
> Mail is opened by the mailserver and delivered to the TO on the envelope
> and to the other TO,CC,BCC recipients. The problem is that this delivery
> process doesn't happen until the server writes it to the users mail
> spool. This doesn't happen until _after_ MailScanner/SA have looked at
> the message.
> The result is that a whitelist will affect ALL recipients of a message
> that has multiple recipients if the first envelope TO address matches
> the whitelist. 95% of the mail we see to multiple recipients is spam. :-(
> The only way around this using MailScanner is to use sendmail to split
> the message when it first arrives into multiple messages with only 1
> recipient each.

Does anyone know if it is possible to do something similar with postfix?

I'm guessing it's not for the same reason Postfix sends duplicate mails
when a user is a recipient both individually and as a member of an


> MailScanner/SA will then see each recipient's copy of the message
> separately, so whitelists will be applied as they were intended. The FAQ
> entry explains how to do this (though the linebreaks were lost in the
> html faq, so it's a bit hard to read). Basically, you just run the
> incoming sendmail process with a very slightly modified config file, and
> sendmail takes care of splitting the incoming mail into single recipient
> messages. Note that this increases the load on your system too, since
> each message with x recipients will be split into x messages that
> MailScanner processes separately.
> FAQ entry:
> http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/serve/cache/169.html
> Ken A.
> Pacific.Net
> Steve Douglas wrote:
> >I am even more confused.  As my eyes glaze over.
> >
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Stephen Swaney [mailto:Steve at swaney.com]
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:38 PM
> >Subject: Re: Whitelisted
> >
> >
> >
> >Actually I placed Ken A, Pacific.Net's excellent solution for this in the
> >MailScanner FAQ.
> >
> >
> >http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/serve/cache/169.html
> ><http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/serve/cache/169.html>
> >
> >How easy can it get.
> >
> >Steve
> >Steve Swaney
> >steve at swaney.com
> > <http://www.sng.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailscanner/serve/cache/169.html>
> >On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 16:19, Derek Winkler wrote:
> >
> >See earlier thread on splitting messages with multiple recipients into
> >messages with one recipient each as a workaround.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Matt Kettler [ <mailto:mkettler at EVI-INC.COM>
> >mailto:mkettler at EVI-INC.COM]
> >Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 4:16 PM
> >To: MAILSCANNER at jiscmail.ac.uk
> >Subject: Re: Whitelisted
> >
> >
> >At 12:00 PM 7/22/2003 -0600, Dustin Baer wrote:
> >
> >>>Dustin,
> >>>Maybe that is where my misunderstanding is.  I thought, that would turn
> >
> >off
> >
> >>>spam filtering for that user only.  Does that say anything addressed to
> >>
> >>that
> >>
> >>>user and anyone else, will go through?
> >>
> >>Hi Kris,
> >>
> >>As far as I understand MailScanner's whitelisting, if one recipient is
> >>in the whitelist, all recipients receive the message.  I have run into
> >>your situation also, and refuse to whitelist recipient names here, if I
> >>see that they receive a high volume of spam.  I don't want other people
> >>getting spam, just because they want their name whitelisted.
> >>
> >>I am sure someone will correct me, if I have mis-stated how MailScanner
> >>operates its whitelist.
> >
> >
> >That is correct. And this "problem" is a fundamental limit of running at
> >the MTA layer. It's not a bug, or a mistake, it's a design tradeoff between
> >flexibility and efficiency.
> >
> >Mailscanner runs at the MTA layer, not the MDA layer, so there is not one
> >copy of the message per user when MS sees it.. there's just one message
> >with many recipients. Thus MailScanner can only whitelist that one message,
> >or not whitelist it. There is no such thing as "well, later when you go to
> >deliver this, give these guys this copy, and that guy this other version".
> >It's one message, and they'll all get the same message, all MailScanner can
> >do is edit it.
> >
> >Running at the MTA layer is much more efficient, because you only scan the
> >message once, but it inherently has limits on "per user" customization. The
> >MTA layer is the ideal spot to do virus scanning, because you rarely want
> >user-specific behaviors for virus scanning. However doing spam scanning at
> >the MTA layer is somewhat limiting if you've got users that need
> >"exceptions".
> >
> >Personally I deal with it by creating custom SpamAssassin rules instead of
> >whitelists. This gives me the ability to target specific kinds of messages,
> >rather than specific sources or destinations. If I have to do a whitelist,
> >I try to make it a "fromto" type whitelist where it winds up narrowly
> >defined. I  never use To: type whitelists, and I avoid simple From:
> >whitelists as well.
> >
> >

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