need help with mailscanner and spamassassin

Stephen Swaney Steve at
Thu Jul 24 19:14:23 IST 2003

I agree with Raymond's comments and am one of the people that has been
bitten by the rpm install.

I've also been bitten by the MCPAN install. There are a number of CPAN
sites that do NOT have the latest version of SpamAssassin available.
Just last week I inadvertently installed 2.53 by mistake. I did catch
the error when 2.53 rolled by during the install but I should have paid
more attention to the warning message about the mirror site being over
90 days out of date. Be warned.

I rectified the error by downloading the 2.55 version of
Mail::SpamAssassin from and installed from that. It appears
to be exactly the install as the MCPAN method but the files that are
compiled and installed are the latest versions.

Hope this helps.

Steve at

On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 14:00, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

> Hi!
> > I installed SA from a RPM (spamassassin-2.55-1.7.3.i386.rpm and
> > spamassassin-tools-2.55-1.7.3.i386.rpm)
> It was told on the list a couple of times that that might cause problems,
> i guess thats the case here.
> Please install SA vie MCPAN ....
> > I'm afraid I don't understand your perl question, or how to answer it.
> >  If you're referring to how many versions of perl are on the machine,
> > then I don't know how to determine that.  I can tell you that this is a
> > clean RH9 install and cyrus-imap, razor, spamassassin, and mailscanner
> > are the only things I've installed.  If I run "locate perl", it appears
> > that only perl 5.8.0 is installed.
> Ok, fair enough.
> Please deinstall SA (rpm -e) and install it via MCPAN ...
> perl -MCPAN -e shell
> install Mail::SpamAssassin
> Bye,
> Raymond.
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