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I agree with Raymond's comments and am one of the people that has been bitten by the rpm install. <BR>
I've also been bitten by the MCPAN install. There are a number of CPAN sites that do NOT have the latest version of SpamAssassin available. Just last week I inadvertently installed 2.53 by mistake. I did catch the error when 2.53 rolled by during the install but I should have paid more attention to the warning message about the mirror site being over 90 days out of date. Be warned.<BR>
I rectified the error by downloading the 2.55 version of Mail::SpamAssassin from www.cpan.org and installed from that. It appears to be exactly the install as the MCPAN method but the files that are compiled and installed are the latest versions.<BR>
Hope this helps.<BR>
On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 14:00, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>Hi!
> I installed SA from a RPM (spamassassin-2.55-1.7.3.i386.rpm and
> spamassassin-tools-2.55-1.7.3.i386.rpm)
It was told on the list a couple of times that that might cause problems,
i guess thats the case here.
Please install SA vie MCPAN ....
> I'm afraid I don't understand your perl question, or how to answer it.
> If you're referring to how many versions of perl are on the machine,
> then I don't know how to determine that. I can tell you that this is a
> clean RH9 install and cyrus-imap, razor, spamassassin, and mailscanner
> are the only things I've installed. If I run "locate perl", it appears
> that only perl 5.8.0 is installed.
Ok, fair enough.
Please deinstall SA (rpm -e) and install it via MCPAN ...
perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Mail::SpamAssassin