Mailscanner corrupting pdf files

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Wed Jul 23 16:27:45 IST 2003

RH 8.0
Mailscanner 4.21-9
F-prot 4.1.1

A quick description of our mail setup, internal windoze exchange 5.5 server
with outlook 2000 clients. All incoming and outgoing mail is relayed through
a Mailscanner server.

I am having a problem with pdf files corrupting when passing through the
Mailscanner. If a mail with a pdf attachment is sent from one of our
clients, MS exchange encodes the message as either base64 or
quoted-printable format. All messages that are encoded as base64 pass
through the MailScanner correctly. Quoted-printable format mails have the
attachment corrupted. Turning off virus checks on Mailscanner allows the
quoted-printable mails to pass through without corruption, so I assume it
has something to do with:

1. Perl Mime::tools - Is this decoding / encoding the attachment correctly?
2. MS Exchange - Why encode some pdf's as base64 and some as
3. Different versions/creators of pdf files.

Has anyone else suffered from this problem or does anyone have a suggestion
as a fix.


Dean Plant

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