blocking messages with <form> tags

Sylvain Phaneuf sylvain.phaneuf at IMSU.OXFORD.AC.UK
Tue Jul 22 10:18:47 IST 2003

Hi everyone,

I have upgraded MS to 4.22-5 last week, and selected to block messages
containing form tags. I am quite puzzled to see how many messages we
have stopped because of that. It seems that a lot of genuine mail is
coming with those form tags, e.g. from medical /scientific abstract

I haven't got a clue how dangerous can these forms be. Should I
continue stopping these messages? I noticed that a few services seem to
know that their messages are likely to be stopped, they have the
following line in plain text at the top of the message:
""If you cannot view this email, please copy and paste the following
link into your browser:""

Thanks in advance for sharing your opinions.


Sylvain Phaneuf --- Computing Manager   | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit  -  Medical Sciences Division
Oxford University                               | email :
sylvain.phaneuf at
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital      | fax :  +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford   OX3 9DU   England

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