not reading spam.assassin.prefs.conf

Matt Kettler mkettler at EVI-INC.COM
Fri Jul 18 18:00:05 IST 2003

At 10:09 AM 7/18/2003 -0600, Dustin Baer wrote:
>Thanks Ken,
>"does not seem to be working" means that my customized scoring is not
>I don't have an /etc/spamassassin directory.
>The manual (perl Makefile.PL, etc.) upgrade didn't work, either, so I
>will keep trying.
>Thanks for the input.

As a suggestion, I usually copy or ln -s my spam.assassin.prefs.conf to
/root/.spamassassin/user_prefs and then run spamassassin --lint to check my
config files for bugs and typos.

There are several commands in the configfile syntax that have changed for
2.5x. In theory these should be irrelevant on a MailScanner setup as they
are almost all related to the report format and html stripping, which
MailScanner does on it's own.

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