MailScanner/Sendmail + Mailman?

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Thu Jul 17 13:52:53 IST 2003

Yep - I am running Mailman on the same server as sendmail and
MailScanner and have no problems.

The only changes I made were to the sendmail alias files to provide the
mailman aliases. This has no effect on MailScanner.

David While
Technical Development Manager
Faculty of Computing, Information & English
University of Central England
Tel: 0121 331 6211

-----Original Message-----
From: James Pifer [mailto:mailscannerlist at TNJINFL.COM]
Sent: 17 July 2003 13:50
Subject: MailScanner/Sendmail + Mailman?

Anyone running Mailman on the same server that is running MailScanner
with Sendmail?

The Mailman readme wants you to configure the and make some
changes. I don't want to mess up my functioning MailScanner server.

Anyone doing this? Anyone have any suggestions for making Mailman work
in this situation? Right now it doesn't seem to deliver mail.


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